Clip & Clipless Baskets & Shafts


Spring clip

The standard dissolution basket is designed to attach to the basket shaft using spring clips. Over time these clips can become bent or corroded which can lead to excessive wobble of the basket on the shaft.

A clipless basket exists and is promoted by some manufacturers which fixes to the shaft using an O-ring instead of clips. While it can be argued that this design reduces wobble and is easier to use, the USP still specifies the use of clips and proof of equivalence may be required if a clipless alternative is to be used.

The table below shows which type of basket shaft each bath manufacturer normally uses.

Manufacturer Basket Shaft Type
Caleva Spring Clip
Distek O-ring Push-on and Spring Clip
Erweka Spring Clip
Hanson Research Spring Clip
Varian (VanKel) Spring Clip